field of pressure中文什么意思

发音:   用"field of pressure"造句
  • field:    n. 1.原野,旷野;(海、空、冰雪 ...
  • pressure:    n. 1.压;按;挤;榨。 2.【物 ...
  • field pressure:    油田压力
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  1. Field of pressure grade
  2. Acoustics - characteristics and measurements of field of pressure pulse lithotripters
  3. The results show that there are two centers of occurrence of llsw respectively in dong bei and jiang nan ; the regional torrential rain over the yangtze river basin is closely associated with llsw during the major periods of heavy rainfall ; the diurnal variation of the number of occurrence in the middle and low reaches of the yangtze river is the strongest in china there are some significant differences between llj and nallsw in positive season , spatial variation , diurnal variation and field of pressure . by the way , the important effect of inertial stability on heavy rainfall with both low level south - westerly jet and high level northerly strong flow is analyzed theoretically . the results show that the existence of the maximum of inertial stability in the left font of the low level jet is favor of the accumulation of the moist thermal energy , and conditional symmetric instability or convective instability can be expected in this region


  1. field of plane on a manifold 什么意思
  2. field of play,fop 什么意思
  3. field of points 什么意思
  4. field of potential energy 什么意思
  5. field of pre ure grade 什么意思
  6. field of pressure grade 什么意思
  7. field of probability 什么意思
  8. field of production 什么意思
  9. field of quotients 什么意思
  10. field of rational functions 什么意思


世界上最致命的动物 第一名居然不是人类  (双语)

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